Garlic is great! I love it ! I love it!
On a recent trip to CostCo, I discovered a fairly large container of dried garlic slices. We have tried the chopped garlic bottled in water and did not like it at all. I have seen jarred, peeled garlic but I would rather peel my own. I was really intrigued by the dried slices.
Last evening we made pizzas. I liberally sprinkled dried garlic slices under the sliced tomato and top layer of cheese. It was soooooo yummy. Howsomever, Bill was just on his way out and stopped by to give me a kiss and said that I smelled of garlic. BIG TIME!
What to do? I have to be at work in a couple of hours -- working very closely with others. What to do? Bill suggested mega mouth washes before brushing. Is that going to help? I doubt it. I seem to be one of those people who ooze the scent of garlic out of my pores. Yuk.
1 week ago