It occurs to me that the Genesis stories are not right. What kind of a parent is it that accepts the offering of the creative gift of one child over the other? Why was Abel's offering so much more acceptable to God than Cain's offering? Not fair. Not right. Is this the 'beginning' of sibling rivalry? Why must there be a judgement/acceptance?
Going back a little farther: what kind of a parent sets up a fail situation for their child and then punishes them for the failure? This is a lesson in life? NO! It is God's injustice. Here is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. One can have anything in the garden but not anything from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. SO! As a kid, what do you want? ANYTHING from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And so it happens, just the way God set it up for the human failure.
And so what did God expect? God set up the world to defy, question, challenge, and then God punishes. Enter Noah. Humans have abandoned any sense of right or wrong and are greatly into wrong, and God is upset. Hello, God, what did you expect?
One wonders how Noah found favor in God's sight. We don't get to know what the GOOD attributes are, we just get to be reprimanded for the bad stuff. Anyway, here comes Noah. EVERYONE else on the surface of the earth is going to be innihialated except for Noah and his wife and sons and wives. Now what kind of justice is this? God found favor with Noah so I guess the wife and offspring found in favor by association. DUMB!
SO, the flood comes. Noah, his wife, his sons and wives, and pairs of animals are the only survivors. What kind of justice is this? ALL of the people who died were bad? I just can't believe this. Something is very wrong with this story.
There are many stories in the Bible that leave me hungering for justice, guidance, a sense of believing in a God who loves God's people.
1 week ago