Upset in the family today. Gabriel is our six year old Shih Tzu. He is eight and a half pounds of love, spirit, and joy. I have noticed the past few days that his left eye was blood shot. This morning the light caught it just right and the cornea looked cloudy. Panic, of course.
This afternoon at the vet's he was checked for glaucoma, cornea checked for ulcer, and then sent home with eye drops for irritation. By the time I got in from work the redness had already started to clear.
This is my second Shih Tzu and he has captivated my heart the same as the first. He is small and soft and lovable. Gabriel does, however, have a few quirks. Like chewing on Bill's hearing aids when he finds them on the night stand. That's the worst -- but I can't really blame Gabriel. We have responsibilities too. The only toys that he plays with are small, stuffed squeaky creatures -- no balls or hard ropes or Frisbees. He loves red peppers, tomatoes, bananas, and peaches, which he gets with his kibble. No canned food, no table scraps.
We give our hearts so freely because they ask so little.