Monday is usually my energetic day. But today the energy just wasn't there. Bill was busy at his computer all day writing a 'business plan' for himself and his new venture. He has decided that since he isn't driving the bus, he had better get busy and develop his long dreamed of business. So a business plan.
Maybe 'I' need a business plan. Maybe I need a kick in the butt to get moving here. I haven't even been on the treadmill since before Thanksgiving. My back is touchy/tender because I haven't been doing my back stretches and exercises. I am awash in my own apathy. No motivation, no goals, no nothing. I need some kind of jolt to get me going. Some spark. Some desire to do something -- anything.
Reading may be a good thing. I have Fahrenheit 451 to finish by the 21st for Book Club. That could be a start. I might think about getting up at a decent hour and getting on the treadmill. When Bill was driving I was up at five thirty. This morning I didn't stir until eight. Now that is just plain disgraceful. Then dallying at the breakfast table over Sudoku and coffee. A load of laundry. Clean out part of a cupboard. I am just plain b o r i n g. Boring! Boring! Boring!
Action! That is what I need. Any ol' kind of action at all will do. And since Bill is so busy writing a business plan, perhaps I will at least try a daily 'to do' list. Some simple goals to get me started. Action to get the body and the mind going again. Doing sudoku puzzles to keep my mind alert isn't doing me one whit of good unless I put the mind to work with the body and get something accomplished. Anything.
So. I am off to get the 2007 financial papers sorted and filed away. That is good. Clean out the old year to let the new year have room to formulate. Yes, this is good!
1 week ago