I seem to have been on a hiatus from exercise, dietary regime, housework, church work, dog grooming, maybe even life. So what is going on here? Could be that my "self" needed a rest from my "self." Let the body and the brain have a break, get outside of my routine. And all of this is okay if the consequences are not dire. But dire was beginning to happen.
When I noticed that my right hand was reach around to support my lower back every time I got up from a sitting position, I realized that something wrong was developing. Two causes, actually. Lifting things that are too heavy and not doing the back exercises. Secondly the digital numbers on the scale were beginning to increase. The accumulating dust was beginning to be noticeable. The pile of church related necessaries was growing. And Gabriel was a yukky mess.
Back to basics. Sanoma Diet Wave 1and plan the meals ahead. Morning treadmill for thirty minutes and then floor exercises for back. Vacuum a little -- very little, this is a very boring job. Get Gabriel's coat brushed and eyes cleaned. Finish up the Vestry Minutes and get them e-mailed.
I became sluggish and introspective during the hiatus. Introspection is good if it produces new insight. Sluggish is not good. The routine of healthy and productive living seems to energize me.
1 week ago