This day has not been long enough to accomplish all that I had planned or all that planned itself as the day happened. Plans, people. Did you get that? I have plans. Starting with breakfast and continuing through exercise....plans. And goals accomplished. I am overjoyed with this new set of happenings in my life.
Yes, a new shelf in the cellar pantry. Yes, file drawer hanging file supports. And, yes, even the 'put things away' part after these were accomplished. Such simple little achievements really can make a day worthwhile.
And then the realization that my new drawing was bogged down in lavender hues. Added art store to the day's errand running and purchased green. I am NOT a green person but this graphic, free form, creation is crying out for green. So green it is. This is something new. Something that just bubbled up out of nowhere and said 'draw' and so I did/am. Maybe it needs some yellow too but not quite yet. I am new to this kind of thing. Will let it sit on the table and just 'zen' it for a while.
One of my goals -- established frivolously at a church gathering -- is to produce and send two greeting cards per week. Well, I just said send two cards but I am so personally conceited that I have to produce my own with my own art in some form or another be it a photo or poem or drawing or something original. Today I was doing a photo and the color ink cartridge went gone and produced a picture on the card that was really quite an art form. Given this 'mistake' I am now pursuing other color options with my photo. Great fun.
And I didn't get it all done and tomorrow is another day and I get to do even more. Life is good!
1 week ago