Now that we are past the First Sunday in Lent, we are back to the Genesis readings. The story of Joseph being the current thread. Joseph is in the pit -- Genesis 37:12-24. Alone. Stripped of his beautiful coat. What did he expect? Dreams sometimes need to be remain undisclosed. But, oh, no, not Joseph. In his first dream he and his brothers are binding sheaves; his stands upright, the others bow in homage. In the second dream, the sun and the moon and stars are bowing to him. Stupidly he relates both dreams to the brothers who already hate. Stupid kid. Really! Not a good plan. His brother, Reuben, however saves him from death by putting forth the idea of the pit, thinking that he will come back and save him. But the pit has no water and the outlook is not good.
This whole Joseph story is strange. He is the favorite of his father. His father makes no bones about that at all. And then the 'long robe with sleeves' is given to him by his father. A coveted gift no doubt. No wonder the brothers hate him. Then the flaunting of the dreams. These stories are always difficult for me when there seem to be obviously bad choices being made by ALL of the players. Perhaps that is the point. Scripture frequently points out to us that there are frequently choices to be made. Not always, but many times. Maybe the point is that there are consequences.
1 week ago