We have just finished the fifth of our Lenten series "The Last Week of Jesus" or whatever it was called. Could have been called "The Walk to The Cross." But, no, we did resurrection also. Do we call this part of the 'life' of Jesus? I guess we do if we're true Christians. Then I ask myself, what is a true Christian? Don't know.
We were faced with a LOT of historical 'stuff' that surrounds Jesus. And then a lot of religious 'stuff,' and then again a lot of 'iffy' stuff. Was Jesus killed for political reasons or religious reasons? Who was ultimately responsible for the death decision? Then AFTER the death????
I have taken all this in and mixed it up with what I have already learned. Stirred it around. Some of it conflicts, some of it confirms, some of it is new. Don't quite know how to put it all together. Maybe I don't even have to. In the end does any of it matter? Right now I don't even know that.
Will I continue in my current faith practices? Yes. Will I change my mind about anything? That's possible -- if it fits for me. Notice that I say, 'for me.' I can't take in what is important to a lot of other people. In the end, it is between me and God and God will let me know.
1 week ago