There was a period of time from sometime in November to sometime after Christmas where I seemed to have just checked out. BUT, I'm back. And how do I know that? Well, for starters, I am willing to challenge scripture in a very big way. And I probably will continue to do that. Hopefully.
Secondly, I am working again with design. Jeffri gifted me for Christmas the book "the dot" by Peter H Reynolds. And what did that tell me? Anything is a beginning. Creativity is a growth of a spark of thought that can develop into something/everything. And, yes, it doesn't matter if it is a work of art. What matters is that I am able to set color pencil to paper and let it happen. It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't have to be publishable or even acceptable. It can just BE.
And even more, I am willing to experiment with givens. Try something different. Now this may sound silly, but as a soup maker, I am thwarted by the 'mess' of soup making. Today I was willing to push the obvious and try something different with the new slow cooker inserts. And, guess what, my experiment works. The inserts will hold the mess that can be thrown out, easily.
And even further, I purchased a 75% off 2008 calendar because I like the monthly pictures and hope to make boxes from the pictures. I am taking a chance that I will follow through on this. I am investing in the future which I was not willing to do for a period of time.
Yes, I'm back. Thanks be to God!
1 week ago