I won't bore you with three, four and five or wherever we are. Suffice it to say that the ERD 'Seeking to Serve' is not sitting well with me. The all too brief scripture is not enough to sink my teeth into, not enough to mull, not enough to rile, just plain NOT ENOUGH. The illustrations are from white middle class America. Now really, does the white middle class America still exist? Not here, not in my part of the country. Not any more. So what could these people have been thinking?
I have taken my gel pens down to the dining room so that I can jazz up and give some color to the daily illustrations -- maybe give those white faces some ethnic character. I still read the dissertation aloud to Bill but they are not challenging or energizing enough for any conversation. I am truly disappointed. I shall keep at it for a few more days.
We have not gone out to eat. That is still ongoing. And I am doing pretty well with my own personal behavioral discipline. It may even turn into a permanent behavior. This is a boring Lent. I do not feel prayerful or -- can't remember what the admonition is -- better get out the Prayer Book and see if I can get into a groove of some kind or another. AND having Valentine's Day come in right here is not at all helpful. Really!
1 week ago