RevLois went over the fastings of Lent in her Ash Wednesday homily. Fasting is NOT abstinence, she insisted. Giving up chocolate just isn't fasting. Giving up cigarettes might be fasting. The real fasting she said, and I remember her saying this same thing LAST year, is to eat half the usual amounts for two meals of the day and then a simple third meal -- like bread and soup. The point being that the process of the giving up should be felt in the body as well as in the soul.
AND whilst cutting back on our intake we might spend that saved money to buy food for the food banks or feeding the hungry in some way -- locally, nationally, internationally. Or volunteer our time at any number of places.
At supper tonight Bill said to me, "What are we doing for Lent?" To which I replied, "What did you have in mind?" He answered, "We could buy some food and take it to the food bank." "Yes, we could, " I said, "And what will we be giving up in order to have the money to do that?"
He looked at me with this really got look on his face and said, "Give up?"
So much for the fastings of Lent. I'm not doing it. Not this year. Last year we actually gave up dinners out for all of Lent and donated that money to the Sierra Leone Project. It was well worth it. This year I am not inclined to do anything. I fell pretty well loaded up with my current efforts. I need to do some serious taking care of myself. Instead of adding more on to my life to keep track of and evaluate and judge and cause me agita. perhaps I will take stock of what I am already doing. Is it working? Is it worthwhile? REALLY worthwhile? And to whom?
Many things to think about this Lent.
1 week ago