This afternoon I have read way too much about what is and what is NOT being said during the meeting of the House Of Bishops. For any of you who are interested, Jeffri has a variety of sites referenced so that you can maybe get the gist of what is going on.
Or maybe not. It is such a convoluted, confusing thing. What the bishops say that they are about may be in part what they are about. But are they publicly acknowledging the main issue? I don't feel that they are. The issue is basically will our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered brothers and sisters be equally and unequivocally accepted as full members of The Episcopal Church (TEC). That's it. Is our brother our brother? Is our sister our sister? We drink from the same cup but we are denied the same rights. We are baptized into the community of Christ but denied full and equal membership. We are baptized into the community of Christ but are denied the equal rights and benefits of that baptism.
I remember the first time I had to explain to my children that life was not fair. That was a very hurtful thing for me to tell them and for them to hear. That some people would judge without thought or reason. That some people would act without thought or reason. My children are grown now and it still is not fair. And that this can happen in the Episcopal Church that I so love is hurtful, painful, agonizing.
Last week Jeffri offered prayers for our bishops. I pray for the church.
49 minutes ago