Tagging on to yesterday's personal woes there was the big wind we had here in the east as the 'new' front moved in. Gusty enough to blow three sections of our stockade fence onto the car in the driveway next door. Right onto the hood and fender. No answer as I rang their bell. No answer from the phone. So we took pictures and removed the fence.
Later in the day I called the homowner insurance agent for guidance. We did not really want to make a claim for the fence as our deductable is more than it is going to be to replace these sections. BUT, I was wondering about the claim from the neighbor. There was some question from the agent about whether it was even our responsibility OR the responsibility of the neighbor's own insurance, be it homeowner's or car.
It would seem that since our driveways abut, actually overlap at the street end, we would be 'neighborly.' Somehow over the years we have fallen into disagreement about how we care for our property and they have chosen to ignore us. Even after attempts to bridge the gap, I have been rebuffed. So it is. Bill and I decided that we would make no further attempts to contact them, but would be open to conversation if they approached us. And so that is how it has been left.
Today Bill goes about the business of breaking up the old fence sections and taking them to the dump and beginning the digging of new post holes while the weather is warm. Life goes on but it is just one more little niggling thing. And I am upset by these niggles. My cope ability seems to be at a low ebb.
55 minutes ago