Life is like a can of worms. I guess that's okay if you are a fisher person. I am not. I think this saying comes from the fact that if you have a can of worms and the top comes off, the worms are going to wiggle and squiggle and squirm all over creation and never again be back in the place that they had been. It is like chaos creating more chaos... Life.
I did get up at seven this morning. And I did get on the treadmill for fifteen minutes. Hey, wait a minute. I know that isn't the usual thirty minute's worth but even half the time is better than no time at all. Right? Yes, of course. AND I even did a couple, well three of the floor back exercises. A very good start for my day.
Wanting to create a little order in my chaos, I sorted out all of the 2007 financial stuff, stacked it neatly into two piles, and placed it all into hanging file folders and took them down to the cellar where I have my filing cabinet. Hmmmm. Top two drawers are full beyond cramming. Ah, the third drawer is empty. BUT the hanging file structure isn't in place. Well, that's simple I know how to do that. Upstairs to get a screw driver. Back down to the task only to discover that the lengthwise supports are too long for the drawer. Okay, again. I know what to do. The supports are notched and should break off with the application of a little pressure with a pair of pliers. Not! I just didn't have the strength. And Bill was working out in the yard avoiding my angst at the chaos of cardboard boxes on the cellar floor.
Not to be daunted, I decided to leave the pile of finances, and the unfinished hanging file insert supports and work on the pantry cupboard instead. Emptied out two shelves into a box on the cellar floor, wiped out the cabinet, and decided that a better use of the space could be made by moving the one shelf up a good bit and asking Bill to make me an additional shelf. Took out the shelf. Removed the shelf pegs. Decided where I needed the shelf to be. Pegs wouldn't fit into the holes. ARGH!!!
By this time it was necessary to shower and dress for work. Left the filing cabinet mess, left the pantry mess. Will address the whole thing tomorrow when I have renewed energy and more time.
Goals! I have goals!
1 hour ago