It happens sometimes. The spirit just seems to not be there. For a great long period this time. I haven't written pages forever. No prayer before sleep. No thankful awakening prayer. No formal prayer at all. Not even Celtic prayers. No relevant spiritual reading. Not much of anything.
And I haven't fought to get it either. In the past I would delve into something I felt should be in place. Prayer beads. Palm cross. Daily Office. Morning pages. All those practices that I thought were supposed to make me a spiritual person. All plastic. Once in awhile I would fall into good prayer but it was not a lasting thing. Did the candle lighting thing. Made a quiet 'sacred' space. Nothing was lasting.
Today I was able to name it -- Spiritual Drought. And face it too. Here it is. Here I am. I seem to have been here for longer than I have been aware. It is not a very comfortable place to be. But here I am. And I have decided to not fight it this time. Just be in it. Allow myself to feel it and to lean back into the tension that is here.
Eventually there will be a spark that will ignite my inner core. I will nurture it. I will make it mine
40 minutes ago