It is snowing in Noroton Heights. Not a bliizzard, but not just a flurry either. Just steadily gently falling flakes, touching the ground and melting. Too warm for ice. It may be the last snow of the season -- or not. But I am enjoying the spectacle just beyond my computer screen. Big, fat, clean, white flakes. The gentle falling. Softly meandering down from sky to ground. There is something quite peaceful about it.
Shrove Tuesday tomorrow and then Ash Wednesday. And Christmas is still up at our house. I just managed to pack the creches away this morning. Putting baby Jesus to bed before the tortuous adult trip to the cross. And, honestly, I don't know just how much of the strory/stories I really believe. It depends on the day. Some things I can believe in because I am such a believer in the super natural. I don't know whether that is heretical thinking or not, but that's how it is with me.
Tomorrow I will get the rest of Christmas put away and do some serious thinking about Lent. I know that I am not going to 'give up' anything. But I am willing to try to establish something new in my life. Or a new discipline of something 'not' new. Don't know what that is yet. Developing my artwork? Establishing a writing time? Maybe something not even for or about me. Maybe a discipline of contacting others. Not phone calls. Can't do the phone thing. Cards though. I could easily send cards and that is something I am supposed to do anyway and just haven't been able to accomplish. I have spent too much time trying to make a card template, frustrating myself beyond belief, stifling any creativity or motivation. To end all that I got the Hallmark Card software and think I may have solved nine tenths of the procrastination. So maybe I can do that.
At least I have a vague plan.
14 hours ago