Saturday, January 28, 2012




This crystal was gifted to me by my friend Margaret many years ago.  It is a wee crystal just one and a half inches in diameter.  For many years it came out only with the Christmas ornaments but one year I realized that it could be a daily addition in my life and so I hung it in the window.  I face this window every morning during breakfast at the dining room table.  Sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't.  That is the way of things that are always present.

The crystal makes its presence known many times during the day as the sun hits its many facets and beams of refracted light are sent round the floors and walls in all the prismatic colors.  A reminder of life, and hope, and friends.  And that is the way of some things -- a sparkle and a brilliance are always noticed.  But there are so many things that surround me that do not sparkle and are not brilliant.  They deserve as much notice, of course, and more often than not, NEED my notice and attention.  Who and what are the invisible in our lives that need our attention?  What will we do to bring some light where now there is none?