Friday, March 11, 2011


The Week In Review

The washer was repaired on Monday for $25 in parts and not too many hours of Bill's labor.  Sure beats the $850 we were thinking.  Accolades for Bill!!  Then, of course, the sump switch got turned off and when I arrived home from church Tuesday evening the cellar had a layer of water.  Oh, well.  You win some you lose some.

We held a bilingual service on Wednesday with our resident congregation, Iglesia Betania.  Ashes and Eucharist and hymns in Spanish and English and RevLois preached alternating Spanish and English, as did Padre Jose when he celebrated the Eucharist.  Slowly we are growing together.

My eight thirty AM dentist appointment yesterday wiped me out for the rest of the day.  That and the rain are just a lot to handle together.  And the rain continues into today.  I am hoping the weekend will give us a little relief.  That would be really nice since Saturday night we will have to set the clocks ahead and, once more, give our internal body clocks a jolt.