Twitter seems like so much blather. Or so I am assuming from the descriptions I hear on the news and in some blogs. I don't blather -- much. Maybe why I have been so quiet here for such a long time. I need to think through things before I see the letters forming into words.
Twitter just appears to me to be brainless. Like texting, who needs to be that attached. I am thinking that I don't need to be that attached. I like to listern. I am a blog lurker and rarely comment. This is pretty much the way I am in "real" life. I sit on the sidelines and listen. When I do speak it is from the innermost part of me. Sometimes spoken without prudent self censorship. I get into a lot of trouble this way. But the truth in my heart gets put on the table. The elephant in the room is acknowledged -- sometimes too forcefully, but, hey, somebody's gotta do it.
I am too private for twitter. Anyone else's and especially my own. Maybe I am too private for blogging. Maybe that is part of my problem here. Perhaps I need to let my hair down, so to speak, and really say it the way I see it. That can get me into a lot of hot water, so to speak, so I will give it a little bit of consideration. But watch out, folks, I'm tired of rigid thinking, passive, denial ridden pew sitters. I am about to explode with frustration and continually thwarted hopefulness.
13 hours ago