Sometime during the wee smalls of Sunday night/Monday morning, I was awakened. "Pray for Dodie," I was instructed. And so I did. I prayed for Dodie whose heart is severely damaged and who has suffered repeated heart attacks. He refuses to have the five by-pass surgery that his cardiologists suggest would help. He's ready, he tells his lovely wife,Tomi. He's ready to die. He is ready to be with God. Whenever.
Tomi works in the accounting department in the doctor's office where I share the responsibilities for the front desk service operations. Tomi is a year older than I and I am seventy one. Dodie is up there too. And he has made his decision -- no by-pass surgery. She will honor his decision.
I prayed for Dodie.
When I went in to work today and talked with Tomi, she told me that Dodie was doing better today but that yesterday was NOT a good day for him and that during that night he had a really hard time.
Comparing times, we concluded that the message that came to me probably corresponded to Dodie's distress during the wee smalls. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe you would think that. I don't. I KNOW that I was called upon to be in contact with God as Dodie was having his difficult time.
God needs help. When God calls, I respond. I do prayer. Prayer is what I do.
13 hours ago