Sunday, May 1, 2011



It was a perfect day in Connecticut.  For church, for yard work, for pruning of the overgrown Japanese Holly that resides next to our back steps.  As you can see I am only two thirds of the way finished because I ran into this: 

A VERY big oops.  It looks like kind of an old nest -- very weathered and grey, no new stuff in it.  Like maybe it has been there for a few seasons.  The three blue robin eggs inside, however, cannot be old.  I am feeling pretty awful.  Like having invaded someone's most intimate, personal space. 

I left off the pruning and went away from the nest out further into the yard to do other work.  I worked until tired and then retired to the deck for a beer and my book.  I was aware of birds NOT being around.  I sat there for a while recouping my energy and, finally, w a y  out back a robin started flitting around in and out amongst the branches.  Did not come anywhere near the deck, however.

We are inside now.  Perhaps they will feel a little more secure as time goes on.  Maybe not ...