Today's big event was the beginning of the mini-blind cleaning challenge. I finished up the inside window pane cleaning challenge that my sister and I were doing and so must move on to the blinds and the woodwork so that I am ready to do the OUTSIDE window panes when the weather turns warm.
I don't do curtains or drapes. When I did have drapes they were hung OUTSIDE of the window frame. I want as much of the natural outside light as possible to come into the rooms because light adds so much to one's sense of well being. In a cape it can be dismal; and the winter months are oppressive.
When we put on the second floor, I wanted LOTS of windows. And I got them. Three pair across the front and one on each end. The bathroom in the back has ample window space also. Of course these eight windows added six mini-blinds to the count. The light that streams into our open second level is worth the mini-blind cleaning. I guess. This is the first effort and why I am having to face so much dust and grime -- I am really bad about the dust cloth thing.
Bill to the rescue. He fashioned a mini-blind tub from two wall paper hanging tubs, cutting off one end of each one and putting them back together as one. Today was the first cleaning endeavor. Works great.
As is the case with most projects, this one is entailing more that I had planned. Mini-blinds come long. Too long for most windows. When we put them up we just put them up and let the excess sit on the window sill. Not very attractive. So now that I am into the cleaning, I am also into having them 'right.' Patience and care are required to be able to cut just the right strings to remove the correct number of slats. AND the main cords cannot be cut too short or...... Right! Just made it with this first one.
I am happy to be energized. I am happy to have this simple project which is a physical activity that allows my brain to ponder aimlessly on whatever happens to flit through. I love to ponder. And I am happy to be accomplishing something purposeful too. Clean is good.
9 hours ago