Wednesday, January 12, 2011


One of the highlights of my life is my son Jeff -- formally Jeffri -- born January 12, 1960.   We have had our ups and downs and our in and outs, but if I had to choose someone to be stuck with on an elevator, it would be Jeff.  If I had to choose someone to share a deserted island, it would be Jeff.  If I had to trust my life to someone, it would be Jeff.  Well, you get the idea.  He is clever, intelligent, innovative, creative, loyal, honest -- well, I'm his mother, I could go on and on. 

What I like most about Jeff is that we work well together.  He seems to be able to anticipate my need and supply it, but stays out out of the way if he sees I can do it on my own.   We can agree to disagree.  We accept who the other person is, even as that is changing.  He is supportive even if he doubts my position or motivation.  And he plays games -- word games, board games, puzzle games.  Jeff is a fun person.