My dog is seven years old, weighs in at eight and a half pounds, and because my 'boys' are grown and out of the house, Gabriel is my delight. He generally sleeps in the crook of my bent legs during the night. He prefers that I walk him but has come to tolerate Bill holding the leash -- if he is desparate enough. I always prepare his food unless I am away visiting my sister. He is MY dog and I love him beyond reason. When he lost sight in one eye I opted to have a false eye implanted so that he would look the same. In fact it is hard to tell that he doesn't see with the false eye. If you didn't know, you wouldn't know. He is such a good dog that I take him out on the property (1/5 acre) without a leash. He stays right with me and follows simple commands: this way, wait, in, no. And so we have a relaxed walk around the yard.
Enter a big, bad dog. Next door. Next door with the neighbors that do not speak to us. Two days ago I had Gabriel out for a routine walk down the driveway and into the front yard. And then. AND THEN. Suddenly he turned and looked next door. And there in the driveway was a huge, HUGE, dark Lab. On a leash. But the human at the other end of the leash was struggling and being pulled forward. Gabriel is a friendly dog. He wants to play with everyone and so he charged right over to 'play.' The big, bad dog is straining at the leash, barking, snarling. Gabriel is right in front of him barking. Wagging his tail. Wanting to play. Fortunately, I was able to walk up behind Gabriel, scoop him up and take him into the house before the jaws of the lab closed over his tiny little head.
So now we walk him on his leash ALL the time. Even in the yard. Better safe than sorry. BUT, this afternoon when Bill took Gabriel out for a walk, the big, bad dog was pulling the next door teen ager on his sake board. Pell mell down the street and when the big bad dog saw Gabriel, he headed straight for him. The teen ager couldn't get off the board to stop the dog. Bill kneed the dog to fend him off, and finally the kid got off his board. A few choice words were exchanged. Harsh words from Bill. And the kid is laughing. Bill is furious.
I don't know how this is going to play out. It is really an awful situation.
13 hours ago