Sunday, June 17, 2007


Obviously I'm very new at this blogging thing. What happened to all the paragraph spaces? Will certainly have to work on cleaner posts.

Have been trying to get a picture up so that y'all can see who's blogging and to whom you are replying. Well, forget a picture. We have taken dozens and they all look DUMB. If the smile is right, my eyes are close; if my eyes are open, I look startled or glazed; a serious pose ends up looking sad or sappy -- ridiculous. We gave up. Then I had the brilliant idea of "feet." Yes, pictures of my feet. In sandals so you could see my toes. I think you can probably tell a lot about a person from their feet. Maybe not as much as a face, but close. Tried that. Still workin' on it.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Library Adventure

We were late getting out of the house and only just got to the dump in time to deposit the smelly chickeny garbage that needed to get out of the kitchen. And then on to the library. I was just about finished with the last book I had at home and needed further reading for the weekend. As we left the parked car, I realized that I did not have my Vest Pocket Brief Case with me. This handy little convenience carries index cards in three separate pockets and on the outside has flaps that hold an inserted card upon which to write. This is a memory jogger, a place to keep lists -- like my book list, a "to do" list, a "to buy" list, and any other ol' thing that pops into my mind that I don't want to forget. I keep the book list and "buy" list in there all the time. AND in the outside pocket with the fresh index cards, I keep my library card.

Having to deal with only pulled up stored brain memory was difficult. There was an author I wanted to revisit as I have already read two of her mysteries but I could not remember her name nor the names of the two books I had read. This is exactly why I carry the Pocket Brief Case in my purse.

I meandered around the library like a lost soul. But meandering is good. I browsed through the just off the rental shelf section. And there was a book with the title that I had read years ago. But this was a NEW book. I pulled it off the shelf and ran my hand over the delightful cover and read the complete title: The Last Unicorn: The Lost Version, by Peter S. Beagle. I read the first couple of sentences of the first chapter and fell in love with the book all over again. This will be a delightful read.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Fortunately, there are many more beginnings than there are endings. At least in MY life -- so far. AND, beginnings keep happening. And this is a good thing. So, here I am, more than half way through my seventieth year, beginning a blog. Now, how crazy is that? VERY!.... very, very, very.

Beginnings are short lived but nonetheless fraught with a kazillion emotions. They can be very exciting. Also frightening, threatening, boring, fun and dumb to name just a few. Intimidating comes to mind. Then as beginnings move into processes, they frequently take on a momentum of their own -- quite unexpectedly -- no matter our plan. There they are just moving along gathering their own character, developing their own quirks, something just like the way we process through life.

So, let the beginning begin and take whatever forms that develop. I will expound, vent, wane poetic. (Yeah, I know, I'm supposed to "wax," but I frequently zig when I am supposed to zag and laugh right out loud when I am supposed to be serious, get used to it. That's how I am.) And I'll do all that other good bloggy stuff too. You may respond. More later on the rules and responsibilities of responses.

Let us all just have fun together. Enjoy one another. Grow. Learn. BE!