Thursday, June 14, 2007


Fortunately, there are many more beginnings than there are endings. At least in MY life -- so far. AND, beginnings keep happening. And this is a good thing. So, here I am, more than half way through my seventieth year, beginning a blog. Now, how crazy is that? VERY!.... very, very, very.

Beginnings are short lived but nonetheless fraught with a kazillion emotions. They can be very exciting. Also frightening, threatening, boring, fun and dumb to name just a few. Intimidating comes to mind. Then as beginnings move into processes, they frequently take on a momentum of their own -- quite unexpectedly -- no matter our plan. There they are just moving along gathering their own character, developing their own quirks, something just like the way we process through life.

So, let the beginning begin and take whatever forms that develop. I will expound, vent, wane poetic. (Yeah, I know, I'm supposed to "wax," but I frequently zig when I am supposed to zag and laugh right out loud when I am supposed to be serious, get used to it. That's how I am.) And I'll do all that other good bloggy stuff too. You may respond. More later on the rules and responsibilities of responses.

Let us all just have fun together. Enjoy one another. Grow. Learn. BE!

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