After considering theme, it occurs to me that I am NOT a theme person. I am a person of whims, phases, fads, and whatever current issue happens to be effecting ME. And so it will be. From God to dog. From JesusGod to GabrielDog and all else that comes into my life. Like my son, Jeffri, who celebrates his 48th birthday this day. OUCH! Imagine a son of that age, and yet we manage the spread of the generations well, supporting and encouraging one another in many areas of our lives.
Gabriel, by the way, is doing splendidly. The one stitch in the outer corner of his left eye is about to fall away, the swelling is down, it is less sensitive. He is really a trouper when it comes to suffering the application of neosporin and the oral intake of antibiotic and whatever else it is that I was sent home with to give him. He is eating well, eliminating well, and last night found it necessary to return to our bed. I hope to have some before and after pics to post soon.
Tomorrow is the Annual Meeting at our church. We elect officers, who serve one year at a time, and Vestry members for three. Actually we are fortunate this year to be able to have a one year nominee who will bring us to full quota for the first time in several years. The full vestry is nine Vestry members, serving three years each, one third rotating off each year, plus four officers.
Tomorrow's sermon will be the Priest-in-Charge's address to the Annual Meeting. It is going to be blunt and to the point. This is the year we turn everything around OR go into a plan for closing our doors. This is frightfully difficult for me. I love this church. And I love most of the people. I do not want to see our doors close. I want it to work. And yet if people do not wake up......
7 hours ago
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