I had thought that God was in our hearts as we enumerated the attributes and characteristics of Grace Church. When all was said and done, the lists compiled, the obvious was obvious. And the Bishop asked "WHERE IS GOD?" Well, everywhere. But you don't SAY it, he answered. Nowhere on these lists that you made is the word God or Jesus. NOWHERE.
Oops! What were we thinking? Inward, of course. And some were thinking of how Grace Church WAS; and some were think about how we want Grace Church TO BE. There was very little of what Grace Church really IS. And we certainly did NOT mention God in any of it.
We don't like to look at what is and we seem shy about even mentioning God. We are afraid to look because we know we are going to come up short. So, why not just look at the short of it and build from there? How hard can that be? And put God into it. A better question for us to be considering might be "How do we experience God?" And the ways that we can hear this is by listening to one another. Gathering and listening. Hearing how God has worked in our lives and how we expect to go forward following Jesus. Talking. Listening. Hearing. Gathering together. Praying.
8 hours ago