Saturday, June 20, 2009


Several years ago I got really into labyrinths. Read all there was on the web at that time. For more information check here and for more information than you will probably ever want to know check here I read a couple of books. Then I discovered that a Chartres labyrinth on canvas was open for public walks once a month at a local church. I became a once a month walker. Basically, for me, this is a meditative/prayerful walk. I stand at the opening facing the center, take a few quiet moments to settle myself, and then step by step, make my way to the center.
The Chartres style labyrinth is much more intricate than the basic seven path Cretan ones pictured below. It takes me about three quarters of an hour to walk to the middle. Now this is a slow meditative walk, mind you. I have seen children delight in a labyrinth run. And I once had the privilege of seeing Helen Curry, author of "The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life," dance around it. That was a spiritual vision to behold. It is a great book to read, by the way.

My son Jeff and I put two labyrinths on the floor of the undercroft at our church. (Undercroft -- that is church talk for basement.) We used masking tape so it wasn't permanent. We encircled each one with votive candles, had a CD player for Celtic type music, and invited one and all to come walk the labyrinth. People of all ages came on a Saturday evening, removed their shoes, and quietly walked these labyrinths. The next morning, the Sunday School children enjoyed themselves also -- in a much more playful way. It was such a great success that we wanted to paint it on the floor, for a more permanent meditative tool. Alas, the knowledge about the origins and use of a labyrinth were not fully understood, and the project was suppressed.

Now, though, years later, we have more knowledge, acceptability, and an enlightened priest. We are planning labyrinths. Did y'all get that? LabyrinthS -- plural. I am excited about the future of this church. We are going forward. The Holy spirit is pushing us.

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