Thursday, December 10, 2009

LUKE 3 -- A G A I N ????

On December 3, having read all of Luke 2, we were sent ahead to read the first six verses of Luke 3. Read the whole of Luke 3 on the 4th of December. And now on December 10 we are sent back once again to Luke three to read verses 7-18. And why? Well, because these are the verses we are going to hear this Sunday. And we need to be beaten up some more about our sins and all the bad stuff that is going to happen to us if we don't straighten up. We aren't even into the middle of Advent yet and I am longing for some words of encouragement. I need to know that somebody loves me. Enough already of John screaming in the wilderness.

I am not wanting to even think about what the 17th is going to bring us. More of Luke 3 no doubt. Perhaps between now and then we can have some positive stuff. And if it isn't, I'll turn it into positive. I am doing pretty well at my Advent discipline of reading Luke, coloring and meditating, writing a line or two about the days calender offering. Positive. Be positive.

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