Friday, March 18, 2011



The Week In Review

It seems to have been such a long week.  Even with the washing maching fixed and back in place we have had three episodes of the sump failing.  Wednesday night was the final straw.  As I came in from the Lent program at church, I could hear the pump grinding away.  Went downstairs to see if I could right it but nothing I tried seemed to work.  Bill was out at a family Birthday dinner so I had to worry it out until he came home.  He took one look at it and said, 'It's dead.'

So Bill's project yesterday was to put in a new sump.  As with everything this required multiple trips up and downstairs and to Home Depot.  He was finally finishing this up when he went into the side of his van to get a tool and discovered that he had been robbed.  The lock punched out and some very nice tools taken.  Don't know when.  Don't even know where because I cannot see how this could have happened right in our driveway.  But then odd things do happen.  Bill is feeling violated but otherwise taking it pretty well.

During all of this chaos I somehow managed to feel some renewed energy and am making headway into some long overdue household chores.  I'm actually feeling pretty good about this.  A little order goes a long way for making me feel more ambitious and productive.  So, it is a cycle well started.

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